Being an Extra

…your area Sign up with a local extras casting agency in your area The Extras FAQ Who can become an extra? Anyone. Extras come in literally all shapes and sizes,…

becoming an extra on enCAST

Do you like the idea of working as an extra on a film set? Depending where you work, it pays up to about €120 per day and you can get…

Can an Actor have a Tattoo?

…in a blockbuster then they’ll hide your tattoos. But if you are a featured extra and you have a dozen tattoos which need to be hidden then most productions won’t…

How to Book Bigger Roles

…small “featured extra” roles. Or perhaps we always play minor 1 day shoot roles. But as actors we always want bigger roles. If you are always a featured extra, you…

Verified Users

Any type of user can become Verified on enCAST if they qualify. Being verified adds extra advantages to your profile: Actors Appear higher in the search results Preference when being…