Comment puis-je trouver plus d'emplois d'acteur avec ma compétence spéciale ?

Let’s suppose you are an actor with a special skill.

Perhaps you surf really well, or can ride a horse, or know a martial art, or are a trained soprano, or… 

Well this article explains how you can leverage that skill into getting more acting work.

What CDs are looking for

To begin with it’s important to remember that Casting Directors (CDs) are firstly looking for an actor of a certain age & type and only then are they looking for one who happens to have the extra skill they’re looking for. 

So first and foremost make sure votre profil is complete and up-to-date as an actor. This means you have there your headshots, your CV, your showreel and so on.

The CD might be looking for an actor who is also an excellent windsurfer, but if your acting profile isn’t complete, they won’t even consider you for the role.

Get notified of all suitable jobs

The next thing to do is make sure you hear about all the jobs right for your age & type, not just those asking for your special skill.

Allez donc au page des notifications and change the settings so that you will hear about all the jobs you can go for. Ok, most of them won’t be looking for your special skill, but you’ll occasionally get an email asking for a job where the actor must have your special skill and you’ll be first in line to submit for the job.

Prepare your special skill materials

So you are all set up now. You will hear about suitable jobs and CDs can find your profile and read about your acting experience and so on.

The next step is to prepare the materials for your special skills so that when a CD asks for them, they will be ready and you won’t have to rush about filming yourself to show them.

1. Make a video of you performing your special skill

This is vital. Whether it’s you surfing, or riding a horse, or playing the clarinet, get someone to film you and put together a short video of you performing. 

Now this doesn’t have to be as polished as your showreel, but it does need to clearly show the CD that when you say you can dance the tango, they can see that you can. And when you say you’re a black belt in aikido then there’s a video showing them that you really are a master of the throws and techniques.

Upload the video to YouTube or Vimeo and then add it to your profile so that when you submit for a job asking for your special skill, you’ll be able to include the link and let the CD know.

2. Scan your proof

Sometimes a CD will need very specific proof that you can do something in the form of a certificate or professional licence (e.g. a licence to drive a lorry or dive, etc) and you must prepare this so it’s ready when you need it. 

Scan it now, turn it into a PDF file, and upload it as a ‘CV’ to your profile so that when you need to, you can attach it to your submission. You’ll also need it on your device to attach it easily to any emails you might need to send to the production.

More ways to find work with your skill

Specialist groups

One good idea is to join Facebook groups and local face-to-face groups which practice your skill. Occasionally a production will approach a group looking for people who they can use.

At enCAST we recently had a casting looking for surfers so we not only advertised this amongst actors as we normally do, but also in various surfing groups. A couple of local surfers were used as extras and another – who had a little acting experience – picked up a agréable rôle dans le film.


You can also try a pro-active approach to finding work as an actor with a specialist skill.

Make sure to regularly check IMDb in your area and look for films in development or pre-produciton which might need actors like you. (For a general look at using IMDb to find work like this, voir ici.)

For example, suppose you see that there is a film in development which is going to be about the struggles of an athlete at the Olympic Games. And then suppose that you are a skilled gymnast. You can write to the production as an actor and point out your extra skills as a gymnast which could put you to the top of the pile when they start casting.

Think about your skill and ask yourself what kinds of films have you seen this skill in?

When you’ve worked it out, look for those types of films on IMDb and write to them stressing the skills that you have that they are looking for.


But above all, remember that CDs are looking for actors with a skill, and not someone with a skill who may or may not be able to act.

So practice your craft and make sure your material is the best it can be and submit yourself to all the jobs possible.

And then prepare your skills materials to send for when the right job comes along.

Bonne chance !

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