IRELAND: actors (m) 16-19, English spkrs, for short film in Dublin [E]


Data di chiusura: Questo casting è ora chiuso

titolo del progetto: Where Eagle Scouts Dare
tipo di produzione: cortometraggio
pagare: spese

alla ricerca di:
con sede a/intorno a: Dublino, Irlanda

sul progetto

Casting call for a short film produced by students of the National Film School.

Shooting dates 13th-15th November 2023.

Unpaid roles, transport and meals covered in South Dublin. 

Cercando di ricoprire i seguenti ruoli:
ruolo 1 | attori | maschio
età di gioco: 16 - 19 anni
lingue di ruolo: inglese
ROLE: Evan (male, mid-late teens)
A veteran boy scout. Competent, determined and athletic. A natural born leader that learns the value of putting his trust in others.

ROLE: Danny (male, early teens)
An inexperienced but enthusiastic boy scout. Young, naïve and adventurous. A bookworm that overcomes the odds to become a warrior and true scout.

ROLE: Hugo (male, mid-late teens)
A cocky and tyrannical patrol leader. Sly, soft spoken and manipulative. A fraud that cheats his way to power and commands others to do his bidding.

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