CROATIA: actors (m/f), 25-38, English spkrs, for a short film in Zagreb [P]


Data di chiusura: Questo casting è ora chiuso

titolo del progetto: Life Improvised: Goose & Gander
tipo di produzione: cortometraggio
pagare: pagato

alla ricerca di: /
con sede a/intorno a: Zagabria, Croazia

sul progetto

Life Improvised is a micro-short film series about small human stories, entirely improvised, capturing the moments that make up relationships.
We are planning a new film in the series, the first in Zagreb, and are looking for a female and male actor of any ethnicity to film for a single afternoon in early November. The actors will play a couple going through a break-up.
Please include some information about yourself and your experience, a headshot, and showreel if you have one with your application.

Cercando di ricoprire i seguenti ruoli:
ruolo 1 | attori | maschio
età di gioco: 28 - 38 anni
lingue di ruolo: inglese

Early thirties, an orderly at the hospital, curious by nature with a strong zest for life. Has been in a relationship with Mia for just over three years now and they are engaged. But recently he cheated on her with a nurse from work after they had too many drinks to celebrate the retirement of a colleague. He confessed to Mia, the wound still raw as the film begins.
ruolo 2 | attori | femmina
età di gioco: 25 - 35 anni
lingue di ruolo: inglese

Late twenties, a freelance writer and fashion blogger, who juggles part-time retail work at a high-end boutique. She adores Sam, and loves him for his humour, generosity, how he attracts people to him like a bee to honey and his ability to talk about anything with ease. She is loyal and has always had long term relationships so she was incredibly hurt when Sam confessed to cheating.

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