Where to find Casting Calls

The truth is that the more casting calls you submit to, the higher the chances of finding work as an actor so it pays to spread your net wide when it comes to finding and then submitting to casting calls.

This page is a simple list of places where you can find casting calls and the type of work they have on offer. It’s primarily for actors based in Europe but if you do know of any other resources here (or have additions/amendments to those listed), then please do nous l'indiquer.

Europe (including UK & non-EU countries)

enCAST – www.encast.eu

Types of castings: mainly film, ads, tv

Location of jobs: everywhere in Europe including non-EU countries

Prix: Libre de rejoindre and apply to some castings (mainly expenses/non-paid) and be contacted by CDs; Abonnements also for extended profiles and full access at €22.80 per 3 months or €29.90 per 6 months or €49.90 per year.

enCAST is especially useful for actors wanting to expand beyond their local area or with actors who speak more than one language. It’s used by CDs casting international projects so you’ll often find work for, say, English speaking actors in Germany or Italian speaking actors in Malta and so on as well as local productions.


Projecteur - www.spotlight.com

Types of castings: film, theatre, tv, ads

Location of jobs: in the UK with only a very few elsewhere

Cost: £158 per year – voir ici

The jobs are top quality but you need to be an experienced actor with a number of good credits to have a profile here; not for beginners.

Casting Networks – corp.castingnetworks.com/uk/

Types of castings: mainly films, ads

Location of castings: some UK cities only

Cost: €90 per year or €8.99 per month (or €107 per year)

Nice looking site.

Mandy – www.mandy.com

Types of castings: film, theatre, tv, ads, singers, dancers, everything

Location of jobs: mainly UK

Cost: $95.4 per year with a monthly subscription or $75 with a yearly subscription

The site is a bit awkward to use and jobs tend to be smaller. It is also a site for crew so not exclusively for actors.

Cast Web – www.castweb.co.uk

Types of castings: unknown

Location of castings: unknown

Cost: from £19.95/month (= £240/year) to £159.95 per year

Does not show castings on this site; you pay for  email notifications of castings. Very old fashioned looking site.

Dramanic www.dramanic.com/uk

Types of castings: unknown

Location of jobs: mainly UK

Cost: from £14.99/month (= £179/year) to £116.99 per year

Very old fashioned looking site.

Shooting People – shootingpeople.org

Types of castings: unknown

Location of jobs: mainly UK

Cost: from £9.95/month (= £119/year) to £39.95 per year

Very few castings on the site; mainly for crew.

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