Benjamin Und Stefan Ramirez Perez Gbr

Benjamin and Stefan Ramírez Pérez are filmmakers and producers from Cologne, where they studied at the Academy of Media Arts. Benjamin was a fellow of the renowned fellowship program De Ateliers in Amsterdam from 2016 - 2018 and Stefan also studied at the Vancouver Film School.
They have produced 12 short films since 2015.

The medium-length films "Bow Down" and "Pontchartrain" are currently in production. "Life Is About Losing Everything" is their feature film debut. In addition to domestic productions, international shoots have been carried out in Ordos and Shanghai (People's Republic of China), Los Angeles (USA), New Orleans (USA), Belgrade (Serbia), Paris (France), Middlesbrough (UK) and Amsterdam (Netherlands).

Ramírez Pérez productions have been shown internationally at film festivals such as the Locarno Film Festival, Toronto International Film Festival, Rotterdam International Film Festival, Edinburgh International Film Festival, Oberhausen Short Film Festival, Hamburg Short Film Festival, Kassel Dokfest, Visions du Réel Nyon and many more. In addition to film festivals, her films have been presented in international art museums and institutions such as the National Gallery of Art Washington, Museum of Modern Art Belgrade, Museum Folkwang Essen and the Julia Stoschek Collection.

Their films have been honored with the German Film Critics' Award, the Norman Award of the Stuttgart Film Winter, and jury mentions at the Hamburg Short Film Festival, VideoEx Zurich, and the Bucharest International Experimental Film Festival, among other.

During development, their feature film debut "Life Is About Losing Everything" was invited to the Berlinale Talents Doc Station, the Hot Docs Dealmaker, Toronto, and the Sheffield DocFest Art Talents Market during its development phase.

In their jointly produced films, which they realize both individually and in co-direction - as well as in collaborations with other filmmakers from their artistic environment - Benjamin and Stefan Ramírez Pérez often combine documentary and staged approaches in the service of an interrogation of personal entanglements in political, social, historical and cultural narratives. The films are aimed at an audience interested in visual art, moving image, fictional and documentary approaches and the dialogues between these forms, as well as queer and feminist perspectives and their intersections with values such as anti-racism, sustainability and solidarity.