SWITZERLAND: actors (f) 27-39, English spkrs, for short film [E]

ref # 241948

data di chiusura: Questo casting è chiuso

titolo del progetto This Could Be Us
tipo di produzione: short film
pagamento: expenses

cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: Switzerland

il progetto

For the creation of a short story about domestic violence from the lens of the perpetrator, we are looking for an English speaking actress to bring our lead role to life.

Synopsis: A happily married man with a lovely wife and kids turns and becomes a wife-beater. Despite the love and respect from, he had an uncontrollable temperament, and he never spared an opportunity to abuse his wife physically. For reasons best known to her, she decided to stay in the marriage. She later becomes a taunt in his flesh as he now battles with the demise of his brutality and suffers the weight of responsibilities with it after.

Shooting will take place on the first or second weekend of March 2024 in CH. It will be a 1 day shoot; exact date to be arranged with the actress.

Unpaid but travel expenses covered.

Cercano di ricoprire i seguenti ruoli:
ruolo 1 | actors | female
età scenica:27 - 39
lingue dei ruoli: English
Lead Role: Fiona
f, 27-39, English speaker, based in Switzerland
The Character: Fiona is a peace and loving mother of 2 kids with a loving husband who turns out to be a bully after marriage. She loves her family and does everything to keep it despite the physical and emotional abuse at home. She kept her calm until she could not take it anymore.

NB: This character will have some facial makeups resulting from the abuse.

*If you are interested, send us a link to any video of yours if you have it or a short video introducing yourself, current half and full picture, name and phone number and current location.