NETHERLANDS: actors (m/f) 26-44 Dutch spkrs, for gothic film in the Netherlands [NP]
tipo di produzione: feature film
pagamento: non paid
cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: Netherlands
il progetto
For a low-budget gothic art house film, with vampires and ghost, set in the romantic era of 1800.
Shooting at various locations in the Netherlands. Some scenes are shot in castles and other historical places.
Filming is due to take place in July, August and September 2022.
We are all professionals in the film industry and the concept is not commercial. This film for anyone who wants to expand their portfolio as an actor or just experience how a movie is made.
età scenica:26 - 36
lingue dei ruoli: Dutch
età scenica:28 - 44
lingue dei ruoli: Dutch