NETHERLANDS: actors (m/f) 18-22 | (f) 30-35, English spkrs, for short film [NP]

ref # 252210

data di chiusura: Questo casting è chiuso

titolo del progetto Interactive Murder Mystery Film
tipo di produzione: short film
pagamento: non paid

cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: Netherlands

il progetto

English-speaking actors wanted for an Interactive Murder Mystery Film (student project).

Logline; After Morana is mysteriously murdered, you will be hired as a detective/private investigator to interview 9 student suspects.

Location: Utrecht, the Netherlands

Dates: 16th and 17th of May

This is a non-paid student project. Food & drinks will be provided.


Cercano di ricoprire i seguenti ruoli:
ruolo 1 | actors | m/f
età scenica:18 - 22
lingue dei ruoli: English

Morana Bane (18-22 years old):
The girl who was mysteriously murdered. She was a creative girl who had a secret affair with teacher Ilma van Don. She hid the fact that she was gay and covered this up by saying she had a crush on Beau Handson. Melville Duff found out about her affair and bullied her for it. Because of this, she was falling behind in class, so she asked Todd Fox to tutor her. Later that night, she was found dead at the foot of a stairway at her high school.

Guinevere Specter (18-22 years old):
Creative, spiritual, and colourful girl. She was friends with Morana and claimed to have seen her ghost the night of the murder. She seems friendly but can also seem a bit obsessive.

Todd Fox (18-22 years old):
Friendly and smart guy who tutored Morana because she was falling behind in class. He likes to go to parties and help people out. On the night of the murder, he was helping Morana in the cafeteria. She left earlier and he stayed to study before he went to a party.

Coy Black (18-22 years old):
Shy emo guy and Raz Black's twin brother. He never really knew Morana that well. On the night of the murder, he was walking the dog in the area of the school. He heard a scream and found Morana's body at the foot of a stairway inside the school. He called the police.

Lyssa Luna (18-22 years old):
The most popular girl in the school. She's Beau Handson's girlfriend. She is very jealous and doesn't like Morana, because she heard that she has a crush on her boyfriend.

Beau Handson (18-22 years old):
The most popular guy in the school. He's Lyssa Luna's boyfriend. He is having secret affairs with plenty of girls. He used to like Morana but she never seemed approachable. On the night of the murder, he had an affair with Dakota Allyson.

Dakota Allyson (18-22 years old):
Morana's best friend. She is a blabbermouth who likes to gossip. She was the one who spread the rumour about Morana's crush on Beau Handson. On the night of the murder, she was making out with Beau in secret. She feels extremely guilty and sad about Morana's death.

Raz Black (18-22 years old):
Gothic and openly gay. She's Coy Black's twin sister. She used to be Morana's secret girlfriend until Morana suddenly broke up with her. She never explained why. She knew the rumour about the crush on Beau was a cover-up. On the night of the murder, she was at a party.

Melville Duff (18-22 years old):
He is Morana's bully. She used to bully him back in elementary school, so he decided to bully her in high school. When he finds out about the affair with the teacher, he blackmails Morana into coming out. He feels extremely vengeful towards Morana and he thinks her death was 'an easy way out'.

ruolo 2 | actors | female
età scenica:30 - 35
lingue dei ruoli: English

Teacher Ilma van Don (30-35 years old):
She is Morana's History teacher. They had a secret affair. On the night of the murder, Morana told her about the blackmail and wanted to come out. Ilma didn't want to lose her job so they got into an argument. Ilma panicked and pushed Morana off the stairs. She thought she killed her and ran off.