NETHERLANDS: actors (m/f) 17-30 Dutch spkrs, for book trailer in Amsterdam [P]

ref # 163836

data di chiusura: Questo casting è chiuso

titolo del progetto Exstase
tipo di produzione: short film
pagamento: paid

cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: Amsterdam, Netherlands

il progetto

Lucifer Filmworks Ltd. is looking for actors and actresses to star in a new, book trailer. It will be a short film of about 2 minutes in which the book comes to life. The film style becomes neo noir. It is a thriller that will hit stores at the end of the summer. The book trailer is made to promote the book.

The thriller (Extase) is about two female students who end up in a love triangle with an older student who suffers from a mental disorder. The story has a fatal ending.

We will film some scenes from the thriller to approach the book as realistically as possible.

Availability during the month of June 2022 (to be discussed)

There will be 1 casting followed by 2 recording days in Amsterdam.

Production is offering 
-a fee of 200 euros per recording day per actor (2 days).
– travel expenses
– your name will be mentioned in the book trailer and on the Internet Movie Database. Includes a Lucifer Filmworks reference.

Cercano di ricoprire i seguenti ruoli:
ruolo 1 | actors | female
età scenica:17 - 22
lingue dei ruoli: Dutch
1 femme fatale type. The type of girl next door with a powerful, preferably arrogant look, and a stylish clothing taste that can make men's heads spin.
ruolo 2 | actors | female
età scenica:18 - 25
lingue dei ruoli: Dutch
1 artistic girl. Bit of vintage style. Slightly nerd-like appearance, preferably wearing glasses (can also be created). A real bookworm.
ruolo 3 | actors | male
età scenica:20 - 25
lingue dei ruoli: Dutch
1 artistic type of boy. Prototype beautiful boy with artistic appearance and dress style. (Think DiCaprio in Titanic or Robert Pattinson in Twilight.)