NETHERLANDS: actors (m) 30-50, Dutch spkrs, for short film in Arnhem [NP]

ref # 203087

data di chiusura: Questo casting è chiuso

tipo di produzione: short film
pagamento: non paid

cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: Arnhem, Netherlands

il progetto

For a short film (no budget student project).

The film is about Ron (25). He works as an accountant, but he is also a car mechanic. his passion is tinkering with cars with his buddy ted. he works in the office because his father has always taught him to choose the successful side, even if that is not what he wants. One day Ron is offered a promotion to manager. at that same moment he is told that he and her friend can participate in an old timer show. Here he has to make a choice. with what his father taught him in mind, he makes the wrong choice. He thinks the promotion will make his job better, but it’s just more of what he hates. Due to multiple obstacles and a conflict with a former colleague and friend, he realizes that he made the wrong choice. He corrects this by going back to their buddy and tinkering with their car.

Filming between 13 and 26 March, mainly during weekends. 

Cercano di ricoprire i seguenti ruoli:
ruolo 1 | actors | male
età scenica:30 - 50
lingue dei ruoli: Dutch
ROLE: Kantoormanager / Office Boss
looking for a male actor, 30-50, who can play a typical boring office boss who keeps on talking. Someone that drives you crazy as an office worker.

*This character is only in 1 scene so the actor will probably be needed on set for an hour and a half.