NETHERLANDS: actors (m) 20-65, English spkrs, for Sci-fi short film in Amsterdam [NP]

ref # 253655

data di chiusura: Questo casting è chiuso

titolo del progetto Timeless Story
tipo di produzione: short film
pagamento: non paid

cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: Amsterdam, Netherlands

il progetto

Casting English speaking actors for lead roles in a student short film titled 'Timeless Story'. Genre: Mystery, Sci-fi. Length: 5-7 min.

Story: An adaptation of a conspiracy theory set in 1950 America. Based on the urban legend of Rudolph Fentz. Similar to projects such as "The X files" and "The Twilight Zone", the film speculates on an idea of what if the supernatural is in fact real.

2 shooting days on set. Prior online/in person auditions are to be discussed with applicants.

Shooting at SAE institute Amsterdam (to be confirmed) on 13th and 15th June, 2024

It is a student production, so unfortunately we can not offer any financial compensation or cover expenses (travel expenses, etc)
What we can offer is an experience and if the film succeeds, possibility of submission to festivals. Additionally catering (food and drinks) will be provided for free.

Cercano di ricoprire i seguenti ruoli:
ruolo 1 | actors | male
età scenica:20 - 65
lingue dei ruoli: English
ROLE: NYPD Officer
Male, age 20-40s, English speaker
NYPD police officer. He is more casual than his captain (chief), but still treats everything formally. Clear and action-driven. But also ironic and sarcastic. Although can be curious about the supernatural, in the end he is the closed-minded one.

ROLE: Mysterious man (Rudolph Fentz)
Male, age 30-40s, English speaker
A simple man living with his wife and a child in 1876 America. Deals with everything in a simple way, fast and straight to the point. Can't even think of anything unnatural until his sudden disappearance one day. Appearing almost over a hundred years later, he is confused and scared.

ROLE: NYPD Captain Hubert V. Rihm
Male, age 40-60s, English speaker
A conservative NYPD captain (chief). Lost faith in any miracle after the death of his father. Logical and analytical. Calm and thoughtful. Although does not believe in anything supernatural, in the end he is the one who needs it the most.