NETHERLANDS: actors (m) 20-40, Dutch/English spkrs, for music video in Eindhoven [P]

ref # 193505

data di chiusura: Questo casting è chiuso

tipo di produzione: music video
pagamento: paid

cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: Eindhoven, Netherlands

il progetto

For a low budget music video by Layla Zoe, a Canadian blues rock singer/songwriter.

Shooting in January/ February 2023 – one full day shoot.

Paid ( low budget)

Cercano di ricoprire i seguenti ruoli:
ruolo 1 | actors | male
età scenica:20 - 40
lingue dei ruoli: Dutch/English
Male, 20-40, preferably dark hair but not necessary, thin to medium build.
Must be able to act a range of emotions from depressed, angry, sad, drunk, etc.
Ability to play guitar or fake playing guitar is helpful.