NETHERLANDS: actors (m) 16-22 & 60-80 | (f) 30-50, English spkrs, for short film [E]
titolo del progetto Stardust
tipo di produzione: short film
pagamento: expenses
cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: Netherlands
il progetto
Casting actors based in the Netherlands for roles in a short film titled "Stardust".
Logline: Stardust is a movie about Simon, a boy who has one big passion: space. When he learned that humans become stardust after they die, he faces the challenge of turning this dream of joining the stars into reality.
Shooting Location: NL - Exact location TBD
Shooting Period: In the week of April 22nd
Non-paid roles but travel costs will be covered and food and beverages will be on set.
età scenica:16 - 22
lingue dei ruoli: English
m, 16-22, fluent in English
Simon (17) who looks a bit younger than his age, is an introverted teenager with one big passion: space. He loves to do activities around this theme, like decoration his room, researching space and drawing in his notebook.
età scenica:30 - 50
lingue dei ruoli: English
f, 30-50, fluent in English, with gentle and kind features
Jessica (37) is just a memory. Her hair, her hands on his cheeks, her voice is something Simon strongly remembers of her. A sweet, intelligent and loving woman with a soft voice.
età scenica:60 - 80
lingue dei ruoli: English
m, 60-80, grey/white hair, fluent in English
Arthur (71). This man with grey/white hair looks experienced. He has been on this planet for a long time, and you can see it on his wrinkled face. He is a calm, intelligent man, with a deep voice.