MALTA: actors (m/f) 28-60 German/English spkrs, for well paid TV show [P]
tipo di produzione: television
pagamento: paid
cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: Malta
il progetto
For a German TV show coming to Malta.
Wanted talent to be with our celebrity presenter for a day as a ”guide” telling them about Malta and various activities/experiences.
Shooting on 10th August 2022.
Good rate.
età scenica:28 - 60
lingue dei ruoli: German
You will be with our celebrity presenter for one full day as a "guide" telling them about Malta and experiences.
età scenica:28 - 60
lingue dei ruoli: English
You will show our celebrity presenter your hobby or sport and try and get them to do it/test it/try it. (German is NOT a must for these 2 roles).