IRELAND: actors (m/f) 30-85, English spkrs, for theatre in Dublin [PS]

ref # 240853

data di chiusura: Questo casting è chiuso

tipo di produzione: theatre
pagamento: ad incasso

con sede in/intorno: Dublin, Irlanda

il progetto

Casting for International Dublin Gay Theatre Festival.

From the company that brought you 2023’s award winning “The War Wounded”, the one act play is a dark comedy entirely set during a zoom like call.

The play will debut as part of the May Festival, running during its first week May 6th-12th, 2024.

Rehearsals will be in person and remote.

Payment will be through profit share (an equal split between cast and production) at end of run.

Cercano di ricoprire i seguenti ruoli:
ruolo 1 | attori | m/f
età scenica:30 - 85
lingue dei ruoli: Inglese
Roles: 7 female identifying and 1 Male Identifying Actor
Character ages range from mid to late 30s to 60s/70s.

*Anyone interested please apply to arrange an audition.

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