Wardrobe, Hair & Makeup

The wardrobe department dresses you. Hair does your hair. Make-up does your make-up. Fairly obvious really!

Gossip wise, they are the hub of the film set. If you happen to mention to make-up that the leading man has bad breath then you can be sure everyone on set will know this within fifteen minutes and you may well have a very angry leading man glaring at you for the rest of the shoot!

Once these departments have finished with you, do your best to keep yourself looking good. This means don’t put your jacket down on wet paint, don’t take your tie off and forget where you put it, and so on. Above all, keep your clothes clean; you’ll likely have tissues stuffed into your collar to keep the makeup off the material while you are waiting to shoot, but put a serviette on to stop food dribbling down your shirt when you eat as well!

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