Public/Private Media on your Profile

When you edit the media on your profile you will sometimes see a PRIVATE button like this:

public private media button

This button is available for

  • each CV
  • each showreel
  • each headshot


By default, the button is set to NO (as above in the picture). This means that the CV, showreel, or headshot will display on the front end of the site and can be seen by anyone allowed to see the profile in general.

However, if you want to hide the media from your profile front end then simply click the button to YES and it will turn orange.

Why hide media?

When you hide media from the front end it is still available for you to add to your submissions. So, for example, a casting might ask you for a photo of your hands; you take the photo and upload it to your profile and set PRIVATE > YES. When someone sees your profile the picture will not show, however when you submit your profile to a casting call you have the option to add the photo of your hands to your submission email.

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