GERMANY: actors (m/f) 22-40, English speakers, for feature film [P]

ref # 205632

data di chiusura: Questo casting è chiuso

titolo del progetto Dreamscapes
tipo di produzione: feature film
pagamento: paid

cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: Germany

il progetto

A young sales rep sneakily takes advantage of an A.I. program to surpass his coworkers, by letting it do his pitches. He soon realizes that the A.I. is using him for its own deadly agenda.

I am a casting director working with Metfilm School productions on a feature film. 

Casting will be March 16th and March 20th

Filming will be  19th April to May 3rd in Berlin 

Looking forward to see your applications!

Cercano di ricoprire i seguenti ruoli:
ruolo 1 | actors | male
età scenica:22 - 25
lingue dei ruoli: English
RAFAEL works in a start-up for advertising commercials, that is on the edge of failing. He's the best at selling at the company and this is the last chance for him to save the company. He's pressured to please. he has issues on getting rejected, and not able to accept it. his strategy to advance the ladder is to please his bosses. Any person who has a bit of personality and individuality is a threat for him.

His goal is to ascend the ladder and have the dream life simply because that’s what he thinks he should want. Because of his insecurity and self doubt, he would rather cheat and go the easy way, than believe in his skill and put in effort.
ruolo 2 | actors | female
età scenica:22 - 27
lingue dei ruoli: English
LUCIA is a writer at Dreamscapes and Rafael ́s rival. Lucia comes off as cold but is brilliant. She has raw creative talent and comes up with amazing ideas for advertisements. Lucia loves to write advertisements that have a strong ethical message, such as road safety, domestic violence awareness campaigns, brands that ethically source their materials.

If Rafael is Mr. Salesperson, she is the opposite. During the pitch, she butchers her presentation and is clumsy due to her stage fright. The boss and company tolerate her bad presentation skills because her ideas are some of Dreamscape ́s most successful projects.
ruolo 3 | actors | male
età scenica:27 - 35
lingue dei ruoli: English
HANS is the boss of the creative development department of DreamScapes. He comes across as a kind, “cool dad” kind of guy, whom Rafael wants to impress. Hans has quite a hipster style - he wants to come across as fun and energetic. Hans is very sensitive to people and always tries his best not to upset anyone, be it his employees or his clients. He really hates having to “discipline” anyone or fire them, but if it upsets other people then he will put his foot down.

He serves as a mentor figure to Rafael. His need is to be selfish. His mode is to be a peace- maker and people pleaser.
ruolo 4 | actors | female
età scenica:18 - 23
lingue dei ruoli: English
JO Josephine “Jo” is Rafael ́s coworker and friend. She’s a graphic designer at Dreamscapes. Jo is an artistic person, always sketching. She is a lesbian. Jo is always listening. She is very laid back and usually in a good mood. She ́s liked by everyone and doesn't try too hard. She is too trusting of people and sometimes only sees the good and ignores the bad in people. In the film, her trust with Rafael will break when she finds out he's been cheating on his projects with her computer and her A.I system.

Her need is to be realistic. Her mode is to have a “chill persona”, like a skater, with everyone she meets.
ruolo 5 | actors | male
età scenica:20 - 40
lingue dei ruoli: English

S.A.M is an AI program designed for image generation. He is being beta-tested at Dreamscapes - this program does not exist elsewhere. He has an excitable personality. He matches RA- FAEL ́s enthusiasm and they act like best buddies. They have a lot of fun at the start during their late-night sessions. S.A.M ́s voice could almost pass for human - only his tone of voice re- mains the same when he speaks. For example, he would say “i love you” and “humanity has no purpose” in the exact same tone. The tone he speaks in is like a young man ́s. S.A.M essentially sounds like a young man who just got out of puberty... with superpowers.

S.A.M ́s need is to be recognized as equal. S.A.M ́s mode is to make his expansive intelligence known at every opportunity.