GERMANY: actors (m) 40-57, German spkrs, for short film in Berlin [NP]

ref # 156791

data di chiusura: Questo casting è chiuso

titolo del progetto Der Nachtfeger
tipo di produzione: short film
pagamento: non paid

cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: Berlin, Germany

il progetto

For a short film (genre: drama/thriller/crime) produced by berliner hochschule für technik.

Synopsis: The loner Sebastian (28) is a night sweeper in a film studio and uses a hidden camera to monitor the actors in their room for his own pleasure. There he meets the famous and still beautiful actress Silvia (55), who is currently working on her first deeper character role. Noticing how similar Sebastian is to her role, she begins dating him to study him. Sebastian, in turn, misinterprets her signs as an interest in him as a man. When he finds out that Silvia is taking advantage of him and secretly sleeping with the producer, he posts the recording on the internet, which the media pounces on.

3-4 days of shooting between April 11th and April 30th in Berlin.

Cercano di ricoprire i seguenti ruoli:
ruolo 1 | actors | male
età scenica:40 - 57
lingue dei ruoli: German
ROLE: Produzent
Role description: The producer is the antagonist to the night sweeper Sebastian. He is always success-oriented and can seem very callous. Like Sebastian, he is interested in the actress Silvia. When Sebastian finds out via his surveillance camera that Silvia is sleeping with the producer, he puts the recording on the internet. However, the producer is not intimidated by this.