EUROPE: actors (f) 18-24, Middle Eastern / White, English spkrs, for feature film in Berlin [P]

ref # 239158

data di chiusura: Questo casting è chiuso

tipo di produzione: feature film
pagamento: paid

cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: Europa

il progetto

Casting ”Real Fight,” a feature film.

Synopsis: The father and fighter Viktor has to find an exit from the spiral of violence. Experiencing that training has nothing to do with fighting and fighting has nothing to do with beating becomes his real fight. 

Shooting in June 2024 in Berlin.

Paid: 800 euro / day

Accepting applications from all of Europe.

Cercano di ricoprire i seguenti ruoli:
ruolo 1 | actors | female
età scenica:18 - 24
lingue dei ruoli: English
etnie di ruolo: White
ROLE: Charlotte
f, 18-24, Middle Eastern, White / European Descent, English speaker
About the character: She is She is a Ring Girl /Dancer, a member of a dance company performing on a luxury boat in front of 200 people. Atmosphere of illegal fights.

This is a role with lines. Professional acting skills required.