ENGLAND: local actors (m/f) 20-35, for shoot in York [E]
tipo di produzione: sparare
pagamento: expenses
cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: York, England
il progetto
”And now we wait is a murder mystery in which three strangers become stuck in a hotel lift as a body is discovered in the building. They soon realize they might know more than they think when a constable starts interrogating them via the lift’s intercom.”
Filming location will be Elmbank hotel york and on the University of York campus east (school of arts and creative technologies).
Shotting location will be Shooting days will be 6th of February -12th February 2023.
Local travel & catering provided.
età scenica:25
lingue dei ruoli: English
Diligent about her work, likeable "girl-next-door" with a sadness about her.
età scenica:20 - 25
lingue dei ruoli: English
età scenica:25 - 30
lingue dei ruoli: English
età scenica:30 - 35
lingue dei ruoli: English