ENGLAND: actors/voiceovers (m/f) 24-55, English spkrs, for short film in Brighton [NP]
titolo del progetto Butterfly Spring
tipo di produzione: short film
pagamento: non paid
cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: Brighton, England
il progetto
Casting actors for roles in a no-budget 3-minute short shoot.
Though this was written for a male lead, I am toying with the idea of female lead. So either sex welcome to apply if you think it appeals to you. When reading, simply think she for he and vice versa.
Shoot 22/23 March in BRIGHTON. But I would like to spend 2 possibly 3 days rehearsing anytime 18-20th March. Preferably local as I cannot pay anything – currently a mature student. I can offer IMDb credit only. If it turns out well, it will be for festival run. I have produced and directed before (see: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1318597/)
All roles are key and it’s important to get the tone right. I’m open and want to hear your interpretations. I’m highly collaborative.
età scenica:24 - 27
lingue dei ruoli: English
Deb is maybe mid-20s, met Joe in one of his good periods when she was just 19, and he was 25. Maybe he had a band at that point and she saw him perform. She was very much in love with him and they moved in together. But after around half a year, she began to view him as a loser. He'd moved on from his music to something else. He never contributed to rent and broke every promise he had made to her. In the meantime, she started going to college, broadening her interests and seeing her own potential and goals as the absolute opposite to everything Joe represented.
età scenica:30 - 35
lingue dei ruoli: English
Joe or Jen is around 30. He has a big personality and can be very charming, funny and charismatic, but he also has a dark, low side where he can get depressed, lie and hurt those close to him. He has had many occupations, tried a lot of drugs, travelled, maybe hitchhiked, but he's never succeeded at anything. He's the kind of guy who would get an idea to start a new business every half a year and be super-excited and optimistic about it, borrow money from his Dad, and then give up after a few months. He always kind of blamed external forces for his failures.
età scenica:40 - 55
lingue dei ruoli: English
Dad is middle-aged. He wasn't a very actively involved father when Joe was growing up. The Dad was working all the time. He was also generally disappointed at his lot in life, but more functional than Joe. Maybe on his third marriage. At some point, he decided not to load Joe any more money and they were barely talking, more or less estranged.