ENGLAND: actors (m/f) 25-38, for short film in Hartlepool [E]

ref # 201184

data di chiusura: Questo casting è chiuso

titolo del progetto The Little Girl Eater
tipo di produzione: short film
pagamento: expenses

cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: Hartlepool, England

il progetto

We are casting for a graduation horror short film of a German film student.

Location: Hartlepool

Shooting date: around 11. – 19.03.2023

Synopsis: A lonely beach walker is trapped under a fallen girder of an old pier. Threatened by the slowly approaching tide, he finds himself in a fight for survival. Things take an unexpected turn when eight-year-old misfit Miranda discovers him whilst playing on the deserted beach. The film explores themes of loneliness, parenthood and social dependency through four contrasting characters framed by the story of the unfortunate wanderer.

Cercano di ricoprire i seguenti ruoli:
ruolo 1 | actors | male
età scenica:28 - 38
lingue dei ruoli: English
Male supporting role, a charming man.
ruolo 2 | actors | female
età scenica:25 - 35
lingue dei ruoli: English
Female supporting role, an overburdened divorced mother.