ENGLAND: actors (m/f) 18-55, Middle Eastern, English spkrs, for corporate shoot in London [P]

ref # 263925

data di chiusura: Questo casting è chiuso

titolo del progetto Saudi Arabia Business Growth Film Project
tipo di produzione: sparare
pagamento: paid

cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: London, England

il progetto

Casting London-based talent of Middle Eastern origin for non-speaking roles in a film project promoting opportunities for business growth in Saudi Arabia.

Shoots 10-11 Dec. at RD Studios, London NW10 7NZ.

Paid: £250.00 for an estimated 10 hours of work (flat rate) 

Travel costs from outside of London to RD Studios in London NW10 7NZ covered (based on receipts or tickets).

Meals provided on set.

Additional: Usage: Corporate and B2B usage only: internal comms., events usage, online global organic media on client’s owned channels (no paid-for media), in perpetuity.

Cercano di ricoprire i seguenti ruoli:
ruolo 1 | actors | m/f
età scenica:18 - 55
lingue dei ruoli: English
etnie di ruolo:
m/f, 18-55, ethnicity: Middle Eastern (ideally Saudi), London-based; Previous acting or modelling experience is not required but it would be a plus.