ENGLAND: actors (m) 25-35, English spkrs, for short film in Portsmouth [E]
titolo del progetto Morally Ethical
tipo di produzione: short film
pagamento: expenses
cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: Portsmouth, England
il progetto
Casting talent from Portsmouth for roles in "Morally Ethical," a student film.
Logline: A woman commits morally reprehensible acts of evil, believing them to be for “the greater good”.
Synopsis: Victoria is the epitome of a morally corrupt person, but the irony is that in her twisted mind, she is doing everything she can to do right. In her mind, she is never in the wrong, even when she continuously commits acts of utter depravity and evil, which she believes are all for “The Greater Good”. When Victoria marries successful millionaire businessman Joe Clarke, a series of events unravels in which her senseless wickedness is released into the world. Unfortunately, by the time Joe realises there is something very abnormal about his marriage to Victoria, he is already past the point of no return.
Narrative Style: First Person Narrative: The film has a first-person narrative which gives a deeper insight into Victoria’s twisted mind. This narrative style truly examines her thought process and helps audiences in understanding how she is able to justify such evil.
Breaking the fourth wall: In order to take the first person narrative style further, throughout the film, Victoria will break the fourth wall by delivering a monologue. This monologue will be delivered the entire film and will shift between a Fleabag style fourth wall break and a voiceover to accompany the visuals. This is a quirky film and having the main character break the fourth wall will help with this as well as for the comedy aspect.
Shooting between 8 Mar. and 1 Apr. 2025 in the Portsmouth area. N.B. Shoots won't take place every day.
Unpaid role. Travel expenses covered + catering on set provided.
età scenica:25 - 35
lingue dei ruoli: English
m, 25-35, fluent in English, based in or near Portsmouth
The first husband of the main character, Victoria. He is a millionaire who wants to use his money for selfless reasons, despite what his wife believes. He is a gentleman in every way and is the character with the strongest moral compass compared to Victoria and his brother Michael. Unfortunately, despite having a pure heart, he is very oblivious and this is what leads to his own demise at the hands of Victoria's psychotic mind.