ENGLAND: actors (m) 18-26 English spkrs, for short film in Dorset [NP]
titolo del progetto Secret Hideout at 42 Claremont Road
tipo di produzione: short film
pagamento: non paid
cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: Dorset, England
il progetto
For a Graduate Project which will be submitted to film festivals: “Claremont” is a 20 minute Mockumentary set in rural Britain targeted for a 15+ audience.
It orientates around a group of young adults who live in a shared house that ”work” as ”vigilantes”.
If you don’t live in the Dorset area, some accommodation may be supplied for you.
età scenica:18 - 26
lingue dei ruoli: English
etnie di ruolo: WhiteAsianBlackEastern EuropeanSouth Asian
He’s new into the world of vigilantes and his housemates think he lives with them to be trained up to be a vigilante like them, in reality Luke tolerates the training and antics of his housemates because the rent is very cheap. He hangs out with normal “non vigilantes” and isn't very interested in nerd culture like his housemates.
All profiles welcome.