ENGLAND: actors (f) 50-99 English spkrs, for paid theatre in London [P]
tipo di produzione: theatre
pagamento: paid
cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: London, England
il progetto
Casting for ’12-37′, a new play written and directed by Julia Pascal.
Rehearse 7 Nov.; Runs 29 Nov.-21 Dec. 2022
Pay: Up to GBP 495.00 / weekly Paid
età scenica:50 - 99
lingue dei ruoli: English
This is a doubling role. Minnie is a Dublin Jewish mother who is politicised by the Battle of Cable Street. She is strong and smart. Shoshana is a recruiter for Irgun in British Mandated Palestine. Shoshana is a recruiter for Irgun in British Mandated Palestine. She is from East or Central Europe.