ITALY: actors (f) 22-26, English spkrs, for shoot in Rome [P]
tipo di produzione: sparare
pagamento: expenses
cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: Roma, Italia
il progetto
Casting English speaking talent for film project in Rome.
Shoot dates: April 8th, 9th, 10th 2024.
Compensation: €100 payment with expenses reimbursed.
età scenica:22 - 26
lingue dei ruoli: English
f, 22-26 years old, brunette with dark eyes, speaking fluent English
Description: Bella is a brunette with dark eyes, radiating confidence and elegance. In the scene, she's at a romantic dinner with her boyfriend Dario.
Her character has two sides:
1. True Self: Despite the chaos, Bella remains composed and graceful. She's curious and engages with genuine interest.
2. Hallucination Version: Through Dario's hallucinations, Bella transforms into the opposite – reckless, chaotic, and disloyal.
Requirements: Actors should portray Bella with poise, gentleness, warmth, and underlying strength. Versatility is key, as they'll embody both sides of the character. Additionally, the actor must be able to convincingly portray the disloyal side of Bella, bringing forth a sense of unpredictability and wildness.