The Gozo Theatre Festival – 2024

The Organizers of the Gozo Theatre Festival are proud to announce its second edition, which will be held on the 9th, 12th and 15th of September 2024.

Those who wish to participate, please email:

Applications must be submitted by Sunday 30th June 2024.


1. The festival will be held on the 9th, 12th, and 15th September 2024.
2. On the second night (12th September 2024), the board of Judges will short list the three productions which will make it to the final.
3. The final will be held on the 15th September 2024 and will be followed by the awarding ceremony.
4. All productions will be performed once every night.
5. The areas where the performances will take place at the Villa Rundle will be chosen during a site visit by the organisers and the chosen productions.
6. The organisers will be choosing six productions, and the results will be made public during a livestream feed on Sunday 7th July 2024 at 4pm on the Facebook page of the Gozo Theatre Festival.
7. The selection criterion is based on originality, and productions cannot be the same or similar to those submitted last year.
8. Productions can be of any theatrical form and genre.
9. No more than two submissions are allowed by the same scriptwriter / production company.
10. The six chosen productions will be performing a. on the awards night before the results are announced.
11. The use of microphones is not allowed.
12. All productions must bear the responsibility for props, costumes, hair & makeup and any furniture. Festival Organisers will provide storage space for the relevant sets on site.
13. The six chosen productions are given a remuneration of €400 against a fiscal invoice.
14. All productions are encouraged to promote their productions and any promotion must first be vetted by the festival organisers and all promotion must include the logos and mention of the Ministry for Gozo, the Cultural Directorate within the Ministry for Gozo, The Gozo Theatre Festival, BETA Entertainment and Limestone Pictures.
15. Scripts can be in Maltese or in English.
16. Each production must be less than 15 minutes and must not exceed 20 minutes.
7. All members in the production should be from 12 year up. Should there be any actors under the age of 18 years old, the festival organisers reserve the right to request the production the Parents / Guardian’s formal consent.
18. All applicants must submit the application together with their copies of ID cards and full script by no later than 12pm on Sunday 30th June 2024.
19. The organisers reserve the right to disqualify any production which will not abide by the above-mentioned criteria.


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