GREECE: actors (m) 16-17, English spkrs, for short film in Athens [NP]

ref # 256897

closing date: This casting is now closed

production type: short film
pay: non paid

looking for: actors
based in/around: Athens, Greece

about the project

For a short film currently in pre-production (script almost completed). My name is Emeri (legal name : Malena) and I am a teenager looking for aspiring artists around my age, teenagers who are looking to gain some experience and gain some experience for themselves.

The story follows EMMA (15, F) (played by me [three acting workshops I have completed]) who is affected by mental health problems and is trying to navigate through life along with them and her lover LEE (16-17, M) who is trying to be there for her and help in any way he can. They love each other and are trying to help each other get through their difficulties and problems and we see their journey as they try to understand each other and themselves.

Shooting in Athens, Greece. No shooting dates set yet but the aim is to finish by the end of summer.

The project is unpaid.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | male
playing age: 16 - 17
role languages: English
m, 16-17, speaking English as native speakers
About the character: understanding, insecure, great listener, protective

NOTE: You have to be around the age of 16-17 years old, same as me, as I am looking for cast and crew around my age!

*Please provide a brief description of yourself (age, name, email to contact), why you are keen to join this filming group, your education (if any), a clear picture of you and examples of your work or a short monologue of your choice, showcasing your talent and skill.