EUROPE: actors (f) 17-19, Br. English spkrs, for feature film [P]
project title: Dead Dad Girl
production type: feature film
pay: paid
looking for: actors
based in/around: Europe
about the project
Europe-wide Casting.
Logline: The title of the film is ‘Dead Dad Girl.’ Don’t worry, the girl’s not dead! She’s alive and well. The dad is definitely dead though. Like, hidden in the freezer dead. It's not easy to stay popular!
Shooting in Autumn 2024
playing age: 17 - 19
role languages: English
f, 17-19, any appearance, must be able to perform authentically in upscale British English.
About the character: Audrey is the most popular girl in school. Beautiful. Effervescent. Smart. Cool. From England.