Category: Casting Calls

All about casting calls or notices shown on enCAST. How to read them. How to submit to them.

{:en}This page explains how actors can submit for a casting call on enCAST. More details First, you must be
Some jobs on enCAST are marked as Local Hire Only (LHO). This means that the production will only take actors
{:en}When a casting call says it might include nudity or intimate scenes (sometimes called adult scenes), what does this mean
{:en}To submit your profile to a casting notice on enCAST, you will normally click on the CLICK TO SUBMIT link
{:en} Here at enCAST we get literally hundreds of casting notices cross our desk each week. A lot of them
{:en}On this page - CASTINGS > MY OPEN CASTINGS - you can see all the castings which match your casting
When you send your submission for an acting job, you normally send along your CV, a couple of headshots, and
Unlike other jobs, casting calls are allowed to specify the ethnicity of the character they are casting for (along with
{:en} CASTING CALLS on enCAST are shown with the most recent first. You can find them listed in the menu
Casting notices come in all shapes and sizes. There’s no set pattern and you’ll see everything from a detailed character
You know what happens: You see a casting notice and you send the casting agent or production your details. You
First off, absolutely anyone who is interested in acting and over 16 is welcome to join enCAST regardless of age,
{:en}When you post a casting notice on enCAST, it will be seen by suitable actors who will contact you with
There’s a great job in Brussels. But you live in Athens. Should you submit or are you wasting your time
When you post a Casting Call, you should include the following information. This ensures the casting is added to our
When you submit for a casting and write your application email, occasionally you might see an error message. This article
{:en}How do we decide what castings we allow on the site, and what castings we do not allow? This article
When you submit to a casting on enCAST, you first choose two headshots, then a CV, and optionally a showreel.
On each casting call the payment type is shown, sometimes along with further information. This page explains the payment types
There are different ways to find work on enCAST. This page explains how to make the most of the site
Each casting will have a different closing date. Some castings are open for just a few days and others can
Sometimes a casting will ask you to submit very specific material. For example: a photo of your hands or wearing
When you apply to a job here on enCAST you should always write in the language requested. So, for example,
Most of the time you will submit for a job and it will go straight through to the production. Sometimes,
Colour-Blind vs Colour-Conscious Colour-blind casting is a casting method that promotes diversity and inclusivity in the entertainment industry by casting
It's easy to find casting calls for actors on enCAST. General Castings Visit this page: CASTINGS Here you will find
Report a Casting Call We get literally hundreds of castings crossing our desks each week. By far the majority are
How can I see the Castings I've Submitted to? To see what castings you have submitted to, login and then
Casting Roles on enCAST are classified as either m/f = any/either/all gender m = male f = female To apply
Sometimes a casting notice will have several roles available. As an actor, please note that you can only submit to
Sometimes you will want to submit for different roles on a single casting call. But please note that to avoid
If you've put up a casting call which live on the site, it's very easy to edit it. Just visit
Sometimes, you might need to change things in a casting call or amend it slightly after it's been posted. Here's
You've submitted a casting application - brilliant! But what happens to your submission after you've clicked SEND? Checking First, your
Some jobs on enCAST ask you to send a self-tape to the production along with your submission email. Here is
First, make sure you've set your notifications on your profile: edit your profile and go to the NOTIFICATIONS tab. Then,
After you submit a casting call, it goes to Admin where we'll check it. Following these checks (see below) the