For a zero-budget Slasher Movie titled ”The Twelfth Day” directed by Richard Dursley. The film is set at Christmas, and centres around two friends, Jen and her friend Kate. Kate has recently starting dating an old classmate and as a result the pair have been reintroduced to a group of friends from their school days. Throughout…
Μήνας: Αύγουστος 2022
SPAIN: actors (f) 25-99 Spanish spkrs, for advert/spot in Malaga [P]
Para spot promocional de grupo empresarial de residencias de ancianos en Málaga. Trabajo remunerado.
PORTUGAL: URGENT actors (f) 18-99 English spkrs, for theatre in Lisbon [PS]
JÁ International Theatre is urgently looking to hold casting sessions for a chutzpah laden larger than life single female role for their upcoming late fall 2022 all-female English language reimagining of Sam Shepard’s TRUE WEST in Lisbon. Rehearsals will begin in late August and continue till late Oct for a premiere in early Nov. Payment…
NETHERLANDS: actors (m) 22-28 Dutch spkrs, for short film in Utrecht [E]
For a short film, with the working title of “Gestrand”, a dreamy and poetic drama film about the grieving process, produced by third-year students at the Hogeschool Kunsten Utrecht. BRIEF SYNOPSIS: Pestol (25), recently moved back into the house where he grew up with his mother and sister. Since his return, he has had a recurring…
SPAIN: URGENT actors (f) 35-50 Spanish spkrs, for advert/spot in Madrid [P]
Para una grabación de un programa de televisión coreana (carácter publicitaría para un producto de belleza y cosmética). Remuneración: €200,00 (sin disponibilidad de grabar en su casa) €300,00 con disponibilidad de grabar en su casa y con alguien de la familia Rodaje en Madrid o sus cercanías 1 día entre el miércoles 24, jueves 25…
ITALIA: attori (m/f) 18-50, Italiano (fluente), per lungometraggio in Liguria [R]
Per un film dal titolo ”Il silenzio prima del giorno” diretto da Giorgio Molteni. Riprese in Liguria a novembre 2022. I Casting su appuntamento si svolgeranno a Genova e a Milano. PROVINI A GENOVA & SESSIONE di Colloqui-Provini dal 6 all’8 settembre 2022 PROVINI A MILANO & SESSIONE di Colloqui-Provini dal 23 al 25 settembre…
NETHERLANDS: actors (m/f) 19-49 Dutch spkrs, for short film in Rotterdam [E]
For a short film titled, ’Man Up!’ ’Man Up! (based on a true story) is a contemporary coming of age story about a transgender boy trying to fit in the crew of a YouTube channel and open up to his newly made friends. 4 filming days in the second half of September 2022 are planned…
FRANCE: actors/featured extras (m/f) 16-20 French spkrs, for film in IDF [NP]
Pour les besoins du long-métrage de fiction ’Un après-midi en Août’. Synopsis : Par une belle après-midi d’août, Dim décide de réunir ses amis d’enfance autour d’un barbecue. Ils ne se sont pas retrouvés comme ça, tous ensemble, depuis le lycée et c’est l’occasion d’éveiller de beaux souvenirs. Après le déjeuner, ils vont tous se…
ENGLAND: actors (m/f), athletic types, 25-40, English spkrs, for fitness shoot in Bristol [P]
For a corporate shoot for a new bodyweight fitness app. Shooting in Bristol; dates TBC depending on availability. This is a paid opportunity (rates to be discussed). Food and drink will be provided.
SCOTLAND: actors/performers (m/f) 18-30 English spkrs, for live events in Glasgow [P]
”Wish Upon A Star Entertainment” provide premium entertainment for parties, wedding and events across Scotland, and are currently casting dedicated & committed performers with high energy and good at working with children. Competitive rate of pay + high quality costumes provided + chance to work with a fantastic team at some amazing events and be…